Organization Name: *
Website / URL:
Organization Email: *
Organization Phone: *
Employer Identification Number
How is your organization structured? Nonprofit Corporation Nonprofit LLC For Profit Corporation or LLC Unincorporated Association Trust I do not have a legal structure yet
Please list the date of incorporation (only if applicable):
Please list the State that you are incorporated in:
Is this organization a foreign entity in another state? Yes No I am not sure
Please list each Board member's name, title, and email address:
Has this organization obtained IRS Public Charity Status? Yes No I am not sure
Has this organization been revoked by the Secretary of State's Office? Yes No I am not sure
Has this organization been revoked by the IRS? Yes No I am not sure
Organization's mission statement (under 20 words):
Does your organization conduct activities outside of the United States? Yes No I am not sure
If your organization conducts activities outside of the United States, please tell us which countries?
Please provide a list of all of the organization's current assets (and dollar value).
Please use the space below to share additional information or to ask a pressing question about the dissolution process.
I certify that the information provided is true based on my understanding. Yes, the information I have provided is true.