DNS Grant-Writing Questionnaire


Thank you for your interest in our services! We’d love to help you position your organization for grant funding, but first we’d like to learn more. After completing this form, you’ll be directed to a link to schedule your phone meeting with Cheryl Smith.

Heads-up! The first 10 questions are required!

Thank you!


We'd Like to Get to Know You!

Thank you for your interest in grant-writing with Dewlyn Nonprofit Services. The purpose of this questionnaire is to gather information about your nonprofit organization, capturing details that will aid in the grant-writing process. Please try to complete as much of the questionnaire as possible. If a question does not apply to you, simple select or type in “n/a.”

About the Organization

A nonprofit organization is a type of legal entity. It’s typically set up to focus on furthering a social cause or advocating for a shared point of view, rather than generating profits for owners or shareholders.
Please enter the full legal name


The remainder of the questions on this form are “optional” and intended for organizations that are serious about grant-writing. If you would simply like to meet with Cheryl Smith to learn more about our services, it’s okay to stop here, submit the form, and schedule your appointment!

Thank you for your interest!

About Your Nonprofit Service(s)

This term is more specific and action-oriented. A service is an activity or set of activities that a nonprofit carries out to benefit its target group or further its mission. This could include providing food and shelter to the homeless, offering free legal advice to low-income individuals, or organizing workshops for skill development. Services are often, but not always, part of a nonprofit’s program.
Do you conduct services in a physical location, online, or do you take a hybrid approach?

About Your Request for Funding

Your responses to the next set of questions will help Cheryl Smith understand where to place her focus for grant-writing.
IMPORTANT: Cheryl Smith will not prepare this grant proposal to seek funding over $250,000. Also, the organization and program budget determines the amount of funding that should be sought.